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ARMOUR - Acute Hepato Pancreatic Damage

  • Prevent gut necrosis, muscle necrosis and Acute hepato pancreatic damage (AHPSIEMS)

  • Controls white diarrhea and loose shell

  • Prevents exposed to gastrointestinal micro biota associated disorders.

  • Stop progressive dysfunction of the hepato pancreas.

  • Prevent massive inter tubular hemocytic aggregation followed by secondary infection.

  • Repairs damaged gut mucosa for better absorption.

  • Facilitate gut function for better digestibility and increase appetite.

  • Enhance metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and improve FCR.

  • Prevent soft muscle syndrome due to diseases, stress and stimulates immunity.

  • Detoxity toxic metabolites and prevent disease out break.

  • Regenerates damaged connective tissue and improve growth, feed intake and activeness of shrimp.


1Kg-2Kg/Acre or Advised by Aqua Consultant

Composition :

water soluble, fat soluble vitamins Macro and micro minerals Immuno stimulents,Gut Rejuvenates

Presentaion :

500 gms, lkg